Why Do My Burps Smell Like Rotten Eggs

Exercise Daily – Wondering why do my burps smell like rotten eggs? If you are tensed by this issue and want to know why does it happen and how to control it, then you are at the right place.

If your burps smell like rotten eggs, then the main reason for this is sulfur burps. Sulfur burps, no wonder, are harmless, but they can cause discomfort and irritation. 

Burping is a very normal phenomenon of the digestive system in which excess gas is released out of the body. Eating certain food can cause gas in your stomach. Furthermore, the most common reason for gas formation is carbonated drinks. 

The whole gas produced in the stomach is taken out through burps. But sometimes, when there is some infection in your stomach, your burps give a rotten smell. And then you come along the question, why do my burps smell like rotten eggs?

This article will help you acknowledge about, what are the certain reasons that cause sulfur burps. 

Causes of Smelly Burps

Why Do My Burps Smell Like Rotten Eggs

Burps usually smell like the meal that produced them or the stomach’s current contents. A sulfur burp is just a burp that smells like rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas is the source of this odor.

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The following are the several causes of sulfur burps:

Anything That a Person Ingests

When bacteria in the mouth and gastrointestinal system break down food, hydrogen sulfide gas is generated. 

Burps or farts with a foul odor may occur as a consequence of this gas. High-protein meals and beer are two items that may induce sulfur burps.

Gastrointestinal issues

A digestive problem is a common cause of sulfur burps. Gas from the stomach may come up as burps and stomach acid reflux in conditions including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 

The digestive tract may be harmed by a number of microorganisms that cause sulfur burps. Bloating, heartburn, and sulfur burps are all symptoms of H. pylori infection in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Sulfur burps may be caused by or linked to other problems. These are some of them:

  • Food poisoning
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Prescription drugs

Treatment of Sulfur/Smelly Burps

There are numerous dietary adjustments a person may make to help minimize the discomfort of “why do my burps smell like rotten eggs.” 

Herbal Teas and Green Teas

Green tea may be consumed to help with digestion. It may also aid in the removal of toxins from the body, resulting in improved general health. Peppermint tea is frequently suggested to help with digestion and foul breath. 

Furthermore, consuming it throughout the day also minimizes sulfur burps.  Another herbal drink that may help the digestive system is chamomile tea. It may help some individuals decrease sulfur burps and, in the long run, improve the immune system.


Drinking adequate water may have a significant impact on overall health, and it also helps reduces sulfur burps. You can also get rid of bad breath by drinking an adequate amount of water and also protecting your stomach from germs. 

Not only this, but also drinking a glass of water a few minutes before taking a heavy meal aids your digestive system in dealing with starchy, heavy protein, and sulfur-rich food. 

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is therapeutically active honey that comes from the tea tree family. In the stomach, honey may destroy potentially pathogenic bacteria, including E. coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Enterobacter aerogenes,  and S. aureus, as well as alleviate digestive problems.

Manuka honey may also aid in the protection of the digestive lining and the relief of symptoms associated with diseases such as IBS.

Soda (baking)

Baking soda, which is produced from sodium bicarbonate and is food-grade, is a natural treatment for a variety of digestive issues, including ulcer pain, heartburn, and foul breath. 

A little tablespoon of baking soda mixed with water may help regulate stomach fluids and decrease burp odor.

So, baking soda can help you with “why do my burps smell like rotten eggs.”

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another item that some individuals use to regulate their gastrointestinal system and decrease symptoms of digestive problems is apple cider vinegar. Vinegar present in acetic acid is thought to prevent your gut bacteria from overgrowing.

Taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water every day works for some individuals to get rid of their digestive issues.  

Reduce Trigger Foods

The symptoms of sulfur burps may be alleviated by reducing the intake of trigger foods. The specific trigger foods for each individual will differ. 

Garlic and broccoli, for example, are rich in sulfur compounds, although not everyone will respond to them. Others, but not all, are affected by dairy products and certain kinds of sugars.

Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption

Sulfur burps may also be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. At the absolute least, alcohol intake may interfere with the body’s efficient digestion and lead to stomach acid reflux, which can cause sulfur burps. 

Some individuals may discover that reducing their alcohol consumption eliminates their stomach problems.

Limit Carbonated Drinks

If your burps are sulfur-scented, adding additional gas to the mix will almost always result in more foul-smelling burps. 

Burps may be reduced by limiting carbonated beverages such as soda and sparkling water.

Avoid Sugary Food

Sulfur burps are caused by a variety of factors, including sugar. Sugar may encourage the growth of bacteria in the stomach that produce hydrogen sulfide gas. 

In some individuals, just avoiding sugary foods might have been enough to alleviate symptoms.

If you really want to get rid of “why do my burps smell like rotten eggs,” then avoid sugary foods.

Large Meals Should Be Avoided

Sulfur gases may also be released as a consequence of the digestive tract breaking down a big or protein-rich meal. 

Reduced meal sizes and eating slowly may aid in the relief of certain digestive problems.

Preservative-heavy Meals Should Be Avoided

Preservatives are often found in processed foods. Packaged foods, tinned products, and quick foods are all examples. 

The excessive amount of preservatives in the food may aggravate digestive problems and cause sulfur burps. Eliminating processed foods from one’s diet may assist in improving digestion.

Reasons Why Do My Burps Smell Like Rotten Eggs

Reasons Why Do My Burps Smell Like Rotten Eggs

High-sulfur foods

When sulfur burps occur, it may be essential to consult with a medical professional. The doctor may provide advice on food choices and can also do diagnostic testing.

Over-the-counter medications, such as antacids, may also be recommended by doctors in order to assist decrease excess gas.

If sulfur burps continue to occur after dietary modifications, or if burps are associated with other symptoms, a physician should be contacted. Doctors can assist in determining whether or not there is a digestive problem at the root of the recurrent symptoms.

Too Much Fiber

It is true that the overwhelming majority of American citizens do not consume enough fiber (the indigestible portions of grains and vegetables, and fruits), but if you have just started eating cereal for breakfast as well as taking a fiber supplement.

This may be the cause of your sudden increase in non-stinky burps. Why? According to Dr. Sonpal, fiber-rich meals such as whole grains, chia seeds, beans, and peas may cause excessive gassiness and unpleasant burps in certain individuals.

If you believe this is the case, take a break from eating these foods and then gradually incorporate them back into your eating plan. Pushing through the smelly burps phase is well worth it for the health benefits of fiber.

That includes enhanced digestion, blood sugar control, cholesterol levels, and a feeling of fullness after eating, all of which may assist you in losing or maintaining weight.

Eating too much fiber can also cause you the trouble of “why do my burps smell like rotten eggs.”

Heavy Dinner

Junk food

The most obvious triggers for smelly burps include rich meals that are high in butter, oil, and other fats. The foods that are rich in fats usually stay longer in the stomach and take a longer period for your stomach to digest high-fat foods. 

Dr. Houghton says that these foods tend to increase the chances of foul-smelling belches. This is because of the fermentation process that is similar to the process that converts grapes into bubbly. 

As the food passes through your colon, the bacteria in your gut consume and eat up all the starches and sugars and creates a byproduct that is in the form of stinky gas. 

Food Intolerance 

Food intolerance can be one of the reasons for getting smelly burps. Moreover, if you have symptoms like cramping, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea, then there are chances that you have a food intolerance.

It is usual among people with sensitivities that they cannot digest foods containing gluten and lactose. 

It is because they don’t have the enzymes that break down gluten and lactose.

Moreover, it is possible that you may experience headaches, brain fog, fatigue, and other digestive issues because of celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Usually, celiac disease is identified with the help of a blood test. Moreover, gluten sensitivity or intolerance can simply be avoided by removing gluten from the person’s diet.

If you are among those people who can not digest lactose, you can take lactase enzyme pills like Lactaid.

Lactaid helps with the digestion and processing of foods like ice cream and cheese. You should consult a doctor if you have a food intolerance to tackle issues like “why do my burps smell like rotten eggs.”

GI Infection 

Dr. Sonpal claims that the bacteria named Helicobacter pylori is the most common in almost half of the population of the world. It is present in the lining of the stomach. Though these infections are not that harmful, you should not ignore them. 

But when they activate, they can cause stomach aches and frequent smelly burps. If these infections are left untreated, they can cause serious conditions like peptic ulcers which are open sores that occur inside the stomach and on the upper part of the small intestine. 

Apart from peptic ulcers, these infections can also lead to stomach infections. If you feel constant and severe stomach pain and bloody or black stools and vomiting along with your stinky burps, then you should see a doctor. 

You will have to take antibiotics to cope up with these infections. 

Microbiome out of Balance 

SIBO is an acronym for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth that causes smelly burps and gas. The reason for this condition is that excess bacterial generates a lot of hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide gases in the small intestine. 

Normally the small intestine is comparatively low on bacteria as compared to the large intestine. But an increase in bacteria makes it harder for the body to absorb nutrients because they result in smelly burps.

Apart from smelly burps, they are also responsible for abdominal pain, bloating, cramps, and watery diarrhea. The complication of digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease, diabetes, and immunodeficiency conditions like AIDA can cause SIBO. 

SIBO is one of the major reasons for “why do my burps smell like rotten eggs.”

Chronic Acid Reflux 

Does heartburn accompany your smelly burps on a regular basis (more than a few times per week)?

According to Sara Cerrone, M.D., a board-certified gastroenterologist at Peconic Bay Medical Center in Riverhead, NY, you may be suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD where it causes the acidic contents of your stomach to rise back into your esophagus.

When this occurs, the gas that bacteria discharge as part of the digestion enters your esophagus as well, she explains, and this can cause your burps to have a particularly foul smell.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the need to continually swallow down that acidic upsurge might lead to more stinky burps.

Doctor Cerrone recommends prescription antacid medications to treat heartburn and smelly burps if over-the-counter Pepcid isn’t working.

H2 blockers, such as famotidine (Pepcid), and proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole (Prilosec), can help relieve heartburn and smelly burps.

Digestive Disorder

Along with the smelly burps, if you also experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, or constipation, then there are chances that you may suffer from IBS.

IBS is Irritable Bowel Syndrome which causes changes in your bowel habits and delays your gastric emptying.

In simple terms, during IBS, it takes more than usual time to pass food from your stomach to the small intestine.

Digestive disorders can also trouble you with “why do my burps smell like rotten eggs,” but they are not that much of a problem.

Exercise and Acid Reflux

Exercise and Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is when stomach acid makes its way up to the esophagus. It’s possible that you will taste sour liquid at the back of your tongue if this happens. This backwash has the potential to irritate the lining of your esophagus, resulting in heartburn.

If you suffer from acid reflux just sometimes, it is unlikely that you will need to make any significant changes to your lifestyle to alleviate your symptoms. It is possible that taking over-the-counter (OTC) medicines will be sufficient to alleviate any discomfort.

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a condition in which your symptoms interfere with your everyday activities (GERD). 

To alleviate your symptoms, you may need to make various lifestyle adjustments in addition to taking medicine. This may necessitate a change in your exercise regimen.

The type of exercise you do can make a difference in whether or not you get relief from acid reflux. 

Whether you become sick or not is entirely dependent on the sort of activity you are performing and how you care for your body before and after your workout.

What is the Role of Exercise in the Treatment of Acid Reflux?

The ability to maintain a healthy weight is an excellent approach to prevent or alleviate acid reflux problems. 

It is possible that excess body weight will press against your stomach and cause damage to your lower esophageal sphincter if you are overweight. This has the potential to trigger the symptoms of acid reflux.

Weight loss may help you to tackle issues like “why do my burps smell like rotten eggs.”

According to a reputable source, weight loss is frequently the first line of defense against acid reflux disease. You should engage in physical activity and eat a diet that is acid reflux-friendly.

The combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise can help to alleviate your symptoms and minimize the likelihood of developing GERD-related problems. This strategy has the potential to enhance your overall health while also improving your enjoyment of life.

When to See A Doctor

When sulfur burps occur, it may be essential to consult with a medical professional. The doctor may provide advice on food choices and can also do diagnostic testing.

Over-the-counter medications, such as antacids may also be suitable in order to decrease excess gas.

If sulfur burps continue to occur after dietary modifications, or if burps are associated with other symptoms, a physician should be contacted. Doctors can assist in determining whether or not there is a digestive problem at the root of the recurrent symptoms.

Why Do My Burps Smell Like Rotten Eggs – FAQs

Why Do My Burps Smell Like Rotten Eggs - FAQs

How do you get rid of Sulphur burps?

Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate) is the most effective medication for decreasing the sulfur smell of your burps. Glyceryl trimethylammonium chloride (Gas-X, Mylanta) helps to bind gas bubbles together, resulting in more viable burps when you want them.

When should I be worried about sulfur burps?

Consult your doctor if you believe you have a medical issue or if the sulfur burps also accompany by other troubling symptoms such as chest pain or discomfort in your digestive system.

Why do I feel sick and have eggy burps?

It is possible that illnesses in the digestive tract caused by the bacterium H. Pyloris and the parasite Giardia can result in the production of eggy burps. 

If you have one of these diseases, you will very certainly have additional symptoms as well, such as stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, among others.

Can diabetes cause sulfur burps?

In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the Peninsula Medical School in Exeter discovered a link between elevated blood levels of the gas hydrogen sulfide (a gas more typically connected with the smell of rotten eggs), obesity, and type 2 diabetes for the first time.

What kills a sour stomach?

Several types of over-the-counter medications can assist in alleviating your symptoms while also decreasing the acidity of your stomach. 

Antacids are medications that give immediate, short-term comfort by neutralizing stomach acid. Baking soda, calcium carbonate, and magnesium compounds are examples of components that are present in antacids.