Becks Non Alcoholic Beer

Exercise Daily – when it comes to non-alcoholic beer, we have a lot of options, including the becks non alcoholic beer. So, why not review the best 10 choices?

In the previous several years, non-alcoholic beers have made significant strides.

To be sure, there are still some very horrible ones out there in the world. However, there is a multitude of brands that produce high-quality non-alcoholic beers and alcohol-free lagers. 

Some of them are competitive in terms of taste, fragrance, and body with their higher-ABV competitors.

What is Non-Alcoholic Beer?

non-alcoholic beer


The term appears to be quite clear – a beer that does not contain any alcohol. You should note that even the non-alcoholic variant contains a trace quantity of alcohol (although a very little amount). Thus the name of the beverage should not explain what’s in it. 

Non-alcoholic beer is classified into four categories: alcohol-free beer, which includes a maximum of 0.05 percent alcohol by volume (ABV). De-alcoholized beer, which has a maximum of 0.5 percent beer, and low-alcohol beer, which contains a maximum of 1.2 percent alcohol. 

Even while non-alcoholic beer includes a lower concentration of alcohol than ordinary beer, it is still not completely free of alcoholic content.

HALAL Non-Alcoholic Beer

Do Non-Alcoholic means Halal? Dutch brewing company Heineken has emphasized that the sale of its new non-alcoholic malt beverage Heineken 0.0 is solely intended for non-Muslim consumers.

So, according to Heineken, all its Zero Non-alcohol beers are completely Halal and suitable for Muslims.

Heineken Zero Non Alcohol Premium Lager

Heineken Zero Non Alcohol Premium LagerBuy on Amazon

Heineken 0.0 is, as the name suggests, a non-alcoholic beer that contains less than 0.5% alcohol by volume. Unlike Becks Non-Alcoholic Beer, it is completely alcohol-free.


The beer pours a light, transparent, golden straw body with a massive portion of micro-carbonation happening in the glass.

Thus far, it appears to be a normal Heineken glass to us. The top of the skull has about a half-worth finger’s of creamy beige foam on it, and it’s not going away.


It was the scent of this beer that caught our attention first. It definitely had the characteristic Heineken skunkiness that everyone expects to find in a bottle of their beer. 

Mild floral perfume, a hint of wet grain presence, incredible light sweetness, and a faint scent of feet. Yes, feet are all present in this blend.


Upon more observation, we discovered that the hop extract appears to be the most prominent flavor in this beverage – it feels like someone dumped a bucket of barley and water into a bucket of hop replacement. 

It has a strange bitter hoppiness to it that tastes like a mix of pine and grass yet is completely artificial in flavor. 

We believe there is malted barley in there, but it takes us a while to locate it, and it primarily tastes like spent barley that has been re-used for a fresh batch of beer.

9 Best Non-Alcoholic Beer Reviewed

Not only becks non alcoholic beer is best one in the market, but there are so many others as well. So, let’s take a look at the top 9.

Becks Non Alcoholic Beer

Becks Non Alcoholic BeerBuy on Amazon

Beck’s non-alcoholic beer is made with water, malted barley, and hops, and each 330mL cup has 45 calories.

Although the Partake India Pale Ale contains far fewer calories than the beer’s whopping 10 calories, the calories are still appropriate. ABV is 0.0 percent alcohol by volume.


It produces a clear, straw-colored liquid that’s somewhat pale. Lots of carbonation is present in the body, which is expected for a normal macro lager.

The finish is dry and sharp. Also notable is the presence of a substantial amount of head – around a finger’s worth of snow-white head on top of the brew.


This is unmistakably Beck’s beer; as soon as the cap was removed, We could detect a strong scent of skunkiness, and We mean strong! 

In addition to the skunkiness, we detect a faint fragrance of wet grain as well as a slight hint of sweetness. For the time being, this does indeed smell like legit beer.


The flavor is quite grainy up front, with a green hop character. Of course, it has a strong skunky flavor, as one would anticipate, but it is not quite as overbearing as the fragrance suggests. 

The aftertaste is a little tart, which We find odd, but apart from that, this tastes just like a Euro lager to us!

Coors Edge Domestic

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As compared to the becks non alcoholic beer, brewed twice, Coors Edge is a light lager with no more than 0.5 percent alcohol by volume. The only ingredients stated are “beer” and “natural flavors.” Per 473mL can. There are 60 calories and 11 grams of carbohydrates.


With a bright golden straw body and a moderate level of carbonation in the body, this beer is iconic of Coors Light or Coors Banquet in appearance. 

Only a faint ring of white foam down the side and an inconspicuous spot towards the middle distinguish the head from the rest of the body.


Opening the can released a strong scent of maize, barley, and just a touch of sweetness. A distinct beer aroma can be detected, with a flavor that is somewhat reminiscent of Coors Banquet, but not as much as Coors Light. 

But we haven’t seen Coors Light in quite some time. In addition, there is a faint saltine cracker scent to it. So far, it’s been relatively tranquil.


After the initial sip, it’s a reasonably sweet beverage with a sharp barley presence, but it quickly fades away, leaving a faint flavor of bubble gum and creamed corn in its wake. 

Even if the flavor is much diminished, it does taste like something from the Coors selection of items, so they have that going for them. 

There’s a strong saltine cracker flavor to this, which is consistent with the scent. The mouthfeel is quite dry.

Budweiser Full Flavored Zero Alcohol Brew

Budweiser Full Flavored Zero Alcohol BrewBuy on Amazon

Because Prohibition is presently only available in Canada through Labatt, it will be interesting to see whether this beer makes its way into Anheuser Busch’s home market in the United States (like becks non alcoholic beer) if it does well in Canada’s market. 

Prohibition is a 0.0 percent alcohol by volume (ABV), which means it has no alcohol at all. 

However, we are not sure how they were able to make it totally alcohol-free, considering most other non-alcoholic beers have a maximum alcohol content of 1.0 percent.


For the most part, this appears to be a standard Budweiser beer to us. In the same style as a standard Bud, it’s a crisp, golden straw beer with plenty of micro-carbonation and a small layer of creamy white head.


Slight sweetness to the corn fragrance, with a trace of crushed barley, a hint of grassiness, and a light malty note in the background, is the first thing that strikes us. 

They were able to successfully duplicate the Budweiser formula to a significant extent, although without the use of alcohol. There’s a mild hint of bubble gum.


This beer has a sweet creamed corn flavor to it, with a trace of bubble gum, grassy, grainy barley, and no apparent hop presence in the flavor. 

For some reason, the creamed corn flavor appears to persist for an extremely long time, eventually developing into an unpleasant metallic/cream corn aftertaste (leaving behind a bit of a film on my tongue). A little sweeter than your normal Budweiser.

Suntory ALL-FREE Non-Alcoholic Beer

Suntory ALL-FREE Non-Alcoholic BeerBuy on Amazon

Suntory introduced ALL-FREE to the Japanese market in 2010. This unique beverage, produced by the Tokyo-Musashino Brewery, contains zero percent alcohol (unlike becks non alcoholic beer), zero calories, and no sugar. 

It is capturing the attention of Japanese beer enthusiasts and propelling Japan’s beer-like beverage industry to the forefront.


After sampling roughly a dozen non-alcoholic beers (with an average ABV of 0.5 percent), we were rather confident in our knowledge of Suntory ALL-flavor FREE’s character. 

We were quite aback by how well everything performed. This is a beautifully carbonated beverage that has a distinct taste that is similar to a very light beer in flavor. 

It has a mild maltiness to it, as well as a very light hops flavor. It’s hydrating and refreshing, and there’s no need to worry about a lasting hangover.


ALL-FREE has a beautiful and well-balanced scent that is derived from the carefully chosen components used in its production. 

ALL-bitterness FREE’s and refined fragrances are attributed to the use of high-quality aroma hops. Sharpness is released by high-quality hops during the boiling process, much like in a real beer.


Suntory tried almost 400 different formulas before settling on the one that provided a pleasant beer flavor that was crisp and refreshing at the same time. 

Even now, the company is always testing and fine-tuning the process in order to provide the best sipping experience possible. 

The bubbles that explode on your tongue will provide a pleasant experience as you drink. The texture is silky, and the flavor is clean and pleasant to the tongue. 

A nice bitterness generated from aroma hops makes it easy to drink, and it goes down smoothly.

O’Doul’s NA – Premium Amber

O'Doul's NA - Premium AmberBuy on Amazon

Just like becks non alcoholic beer, Anheuser Busch (AB InBev) from St Louis produces this low-alcohol beer with 0.5 percent alcohol by volume (ABV).


Surprisingly, it has a very rich color, a coppery caramel amber color, and is transparent but not too clear. There is very little foaming, although there is a little amount of carbonation.


Caramel malts are present, and they are extremely malty. O’Douls NA Amber is brewed with only the best natural ingredients, such as barley malt, local and imported whole cone hops, brewer yeast, select grains, and water. 

O’Douls NA Amber is available in a variety of flavors.


There’s a hint of caramel, but it’s primarily malted. Actually, it’s rather watery. Surprisingly, this isn’t the worst beer we’ve ever tasted, much alone the worst non-alcoholic beer we’ve had. 

However, it does not appear to be appetizing. The maltiness imparts a little bitterness to the drink. The more you drink of it, the more it begins to taste like malt water to your tongue. Still, it’s a step above many of the European beers we’ve tasted.

Erdinger Non-Alcoholic Malt Beer

Erdinger Non-Alcoholic Malt BeerBuy on Amazon

Germany has produced yet another non-alcoholic beer. Many of you are probably already aware of Erdinger’s beers since their Erdinger Weissbier is one of the most popular German beers in Manitoba.

Unlike becks non-alcoholic beer, Erdinger is completely alcohol-free.


Erdinger alkoholfrei pours a hazy golden wheat ale with a very thick layer of fluffy white foam on top that gradually disappears as the beer warms in the glass. 


A sweet, citrusy fragrance with a little skunkiness meets a light grapefruit vibe, light grassy hops, and a hint of what can only be regarded as the smell of being in a brewery on a hot summer day in the nose. 


The flavor is light and refreshing. At the beginning of the taste, there’s a weird roasted, almost coffee-like maltiness that’s more typical with darker ales. 

There’s also some skunkiness to it, a faint citrus sweetness, a light lemongrass flavor, and the taste of saltine crackers at the finish.

HOP WTR – Sparkling Mango NA Beer

HOP WTR - Sparkling Mango NA BeerBuy on Amazon

We assumed HOP WTR had no flavor because it was marketed as a healthy alternative to beer, but our assumption was quickly disproven. But unlike becks non alcoholic beer, it is completely alcohol-free.


A hop- and adaptogen-filled, sparkling water brewed with nootropics and nootropics to give you a more balanced and energetic buzz, with no alcohol.


Hops contain flavonoids, which have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. 

A flavonoid found in hops has also been shown to aid in the reduction of weight gain, the reduction of elevated cholesterol, and the reduction of high blood sugar levels.


This drink has the hops, sharpness, and citrusy notes of an IPA, but the balance is towards a more mild, juicy mango flavor. 

This one seems like a small craft brewery offering a nice IPA. The tropical elements on the nose help to support the sweetness of the mango on the tongue. Mango wasn’t overwhelmingly noticeable.

Our review mirrors what we said before, which is very much so: to evoke the Classic’s best qualities. You’d really feel like you were drinking an IPA or sparkling seltzer water if you did this activity on a pontoon or float trip.

KUL MOCKS – Ready-to-Drink Zero Proof Cocktails 

KUL MOCKS - Ready-to-Drink Zero Proof Cocktails Buy on Amazon

Unlike Becks non alcoholic beer, KUL MOCKS the latest refreshing beverage line to try when you want to interact without compromising tomorrow. 

It’s perfect for weekends at the lake, the beach, tailgates, hanging out with friends and family, or spending time relaxing at home.


With alcohol overtones infused into the drink to replicate the classic cocktail experience, the KUL MOCKS range is available in three delectable flavors.

The Strawberry Mock-Arita is a mock-arita made with strawberries, the Mock Mule and the Blackberry Mock-jito is a mock-tasting cocktail.


The aroma feels so natural based on the flavor you are going to try. It gives you a refreshing sensation when you bring it near your mouth.


Blackberry, mint, and lime are blended together in a can and infused with spirit notes to create the traditional mojito flavor without any of the booze.

Clausthaler Dry Hopped Non-Alcoholic Beer

Clausthaler Dry Hopped Non-Alcoholic BeerBuy on Amazon

Clausthaler is a German brewery that produces nonalcoholic beverages just like becks non alcoholic beer. This selection includes dry-hopped with cascade hops, which impart a citrus taste character to the beer.


Crisp golden straw body with a decent level of clarity, a lot of micro carbonation throughout the body, and a dense snow-white head on top. 

However, apart from painting the side of the glass in bubbles, there is little motion in the head of the sculpture.


This smells just like when you visit a brewery on brew day when all of the machinery is in action, and there is an excessively sweet wet barley aroma with a farm-like presence to it. 

It is strangely evocative of that experience. There’s also a faint hint of Earl Grey tea in there somewhere.


The first thing we notice is that it has a very light mouthfeel, and it doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on the tongue. 

The beer includes characteristics of uncooked wet barley porridge, a dash of Earl Grey tea, some grassy hop notes, and a hint of lemon in the aroma and flavor. 

As an aftertaste, we got a strong flavor of raw wet barley, which isn’t the most pleasant thing to taste.

Benefits of Non-Alcoholic Beer

Benefits of Non-Alcoholic Beer

It Tastes Delicious!

In the past, most people did not like non-alcoholic beer because it was unappealing to drink.

Things have changed dramatically since then, in addition to the few undrinkable NA and AF beers still floating about. 

There are dozens of more alcohol-free beers on the market that can easily compete with their full-strength rivals (as well as many other non-alcoholic options) in terms of flavor and aromatics, just like becks non alcoholic beer.

It Can Assist You In Reducing Your Drinking

Non-alcoholic beer can assist you in your efforts to reduce your weekly alcohol consumption by a few units, take a brief vacation from drinking, or totally give up alcohol.

Taking a break from drinking on a night out is also an excellent strategy to avoid turning to water or another soft drink altogether.

Undoubtedly, one of the reasons that non-alcoholic beer is a good substitute for alcoholic beverages is because your body identifies the flavor and smell of non-alcoholic beer with full-strength beer. 

When this happens, the body produces dopamine, which is the neurotransmitter that makes you feel good after consuming alcohol.

It’s Safe And Healthy

A number of health advantages are associated with non-alcoholic beer, making it one of the healthiest beverages offered behind the bar.

Drinking non-alcoholic beer, for example, can lower your risk of heart disease while also improving your sleep, promoting bone formation, and decreasing your chance of contracting diseases such as the common cold.

It also has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, potassium, iron, and zinc.

It Has Fewer Calories Than Others

Alcohol has 56 calories per unit of consumption. Because they contain no nutritional value, these calories refer to “empty” calories.

If you substitute a pint of 4.5 percent ABV beer with an identical 0 percent or 0.5 percent beer, you may save up to 145 calories only from the alcohol. 

The quantity of calories in six teaspoons of sugar is approximately the same as the amount in one teaspoon of sugar. Same as becks non alcoholic beer and others.

Keep in mind, however, that not all non-alcoholic beers are low in caloric content. The ultimate calorie content depends on the ingredients used and the method of brewing used. 

For example, a beer made with sluggish yeast is likely to contain a greater concentration of sugar and calories.

Not Drunk Anymore

Despite the fact that certain alcohol-free and non-alcoholic beers contain up to 0.5 percent alcohol, this is nowhere near enough to make you inebriated.

This is due to the fact that your body processes this trace quantity of alcohol as you consume it – the average person’s body will process the 0.28 units of alcohol contained in a pint of 0.5 percent beer in around 17 minutes.

The average individual needs 2 hours to process the alcohol in a pint of 3.6 percent beer (which contains around 2 units of alcohol), and it takes more than 3 hours to handle the alcohol in a pint of 5.6 percent beer.

Becks Non Alcoholic Beer – FAQs

Is 0.0 beer really alcohol-free?

Heineken 0.0 is a beer that has zero percent alcohol, which is a bonus for anyone who is avoiding even tiny amounts of alcoholic beverages. 

In fact, several of the popular alcohol-free beers include a trace amount of alcohol, such as Beck’s Blue and Bitburger Drive, both of which contain 0.05 percent alcohol by volume.

Is Becks 0.0 alcohol-free?

No, Becks is not completely alcohol-free. However, the amount is so much less, almost negligible, around 0.5%.

How good is Becks non alcoholic beer?

The flavor is quite gritty up front, with a green hop character. The flavor is, as predicted, extremely pungent, although it isn’t quite as overbearing as the fragrance suggests.

Is Becks non alcoholic beer OK when pregnant?

No, you should avoid it to avoid any complications. Given that there is no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy.

Abstaining from non-alcoholic beverages would completely remove the possibility of developing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.


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