Can Allergies Cause Dizziness

Exercise Daily – Are you wondering can allergies cause dizziness? If so, then yes, allergies may cause dizziness as well. However, we’ll discuss it thoroughly in this article.

Having allergies can cause dizziness for a variety of reasons, and one of these is an allergic reaction. This symptom can occur in conjunction with more conventional allergic reactions to airborne allergens, such as sneezing or hives, as well as other symptoms. Some allergy drugs might also cause this adverse effect.

Sometimes dizziness is present as part of a cluster of symptoms associated with anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction to food, insect stings, and other allergens that triggers the reaction.

In contrast to dizziness, vertigo is a condition that causes you to feel as though everything in your immediate environment is spinning around you.

Is Your Dizziness Due To An Allergy?

Can Allergies Cause Dizziness

Allergens can produce dizziness as a result of an allergic reaction.

If you have an allergy to certain airborne pollutants, such as dust, pollen, or pet dander, your body responds by generating chemicals such as histamine in order to combat these perceived invaders in the environment. These compounds are the source of the symptoms that you are familiar with as allergy symptoms.

So if you are thinking, can allergies cause dizziness? Yes, it can cause and following are examples of typical allergy symptoms:

  • congestion in the sinuses
  • sneezing
  • a scratchy throat
  • postnasal drip
  • coughing

Allergies can have a negative impact on the Eustachian tube. This tube is simply a tunnel that links your middle ear to the back of your throat. 

It aids in the regulation of your balance as well as the equalization of the pressure in your middle ear with the surrounding ambient air pressure.

Most of the time, when you start experiencing symptoms in your ears, such as that uncomfortable clogged sensation that can make hearing difficult, it’s because your Eustachian tube has become clogged with mucus.

When it becomes blocked, it is no longer able to maintain equilibrium in your body while also equalizing pressure in your ear.

People suffering from allergies, colds, and sinus infections may have symptoms of dizziness as a result of these middle-ear abnormalities.

As a symptom of allergies, lightheadedness may also occur. It is typically possible to tell the difference between dizziness and lightheadedness because they are two distinct sensations.

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What Is the Best Way to Treat Allergy-Induced Dizziness?

So, now you know how can allergies cause dizziness. Let’s take a look at possible treatments. The most common treatment for allergy-induced dizziness is to address the underlying cause, which is the allergy itself.

The most efficient method of treating an allergy is to avoid exposure to the allergen completely. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to entirely eliminate allergens from the air we breathe at this time.

You can alleviate dizziness and other symptoms of allergies with the use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, respectively. Treating the underlying cause, on the other hand, is typically a more effective strategy to permanently eliminate dizziness.

First and foremost, your doctor will attempt to discover the source of your allergic-induced dizzy spells. This is often accomplished by a standard allergy test, which includes a complete study of your specific allergens.

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Is It Possible for Allergies to Cause Vertigo?

Every year in the United States, around 8% of the adult population suffers from seasonal allergies that cause sinusitis, also known as allergic rhinitis. 

In part, because these allergies are so widespread, many individuals are unaware that they can be quite dangerous. 

Symptoms can range from minor discomfort to a grueling battle, depending on how difficult a patient’s allergies are to manage and how successful the various treatment options are for them.

Besides your main concern of “can allergies cause dizziness,” it is also possible that allergies may cause vertigo.

Vertigo is a rare yet severe allergic symptom that affects balance. It is particularly frequent among those who suffer from allergic rhinitis. 

Due to the fact that seasonal allergens enter the body through the nose and mouth, the body responds by producing mucus in an attempt to wash them out. 

Unfortunately, our bodies frequently overproduce mucus, which is why persons suffering from allergic rhinitis may have sore throats as a result of post-nasal drip in some cases.

Some allergy patients have such a severe build-up of fluid in their sinuses that it has the potential to impair their balance and sense of balance. 

In particular, the eustachian tubes, which are part of the vestibular system, are crucial for our feeling of equilibrium. 

Dizziness and lightheadedness are common symptoms experienced by people who have had their eustachian tubes in their inner ear clogged with fluid. If the obstruction is very obstinate, individuals may also experience dizziness as a side effect.

When a patient suffers vertigo, it is common for them to feel as if the room is spinning around them, and they may have a temporary loss of their feeling of balance. 

What Is the Best Way to Treat Allergy-Related Vertigo?

The good news is that allergy-induced vertigo will respond to standard allergy therapy. The first step is to figure out which specific allergens are triggering the response in the first place. 

Once a patient’s diagnosis has been established, it is much easier to locate appropriate therapies for the symptoms that have been created. 

You can get some immediate relief with the use of over-the-counter allergy medicines and nasal steroids, as well as by the use of regular saline rinses. It may take some trial and error for a patient to find the combination that is most effective for them.

In order to provide long-term relief, it is necessary to address the allergies at their source. Patients have a variety of treatment options available to them, including allergy injections and reconstructive sinus surgery. 

As well as reducing their exposure to allergens, patients should take preventative measures. It includes installing air filters in their homes and cleaning their floors more often.

It is possible that these efforts will not be totally successful for some time. During the course of therapy, a patient may require assistance in adapting to the impact of vertigo on their everyday activities. 


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Possible Treatments for Allergy-Related Dizziness

Since you know that can allergies cause dizziness, there are a variety of methods available for treating allergy problems. 

Antihistamines are widely used for short-term relief of congestion, which may be the source of your dizziness. They are quite helpful in alleviating the congestion that may be causing your dizziness.

When it comes to treating vertigo, antihistamines are also effective. You should be aware that many older antihistamines have the potential to induce drowsiness. When taking an antihistamine for the first time, it is imperative that you do not drive or use machinery.

Antidepressants, anxiety medications, muscle relaxers, sleeping drugs, and alcoholic beverages should all be avoided when using these supplements. If you have any questions, you should see your doctor or pharmacist.

Allergy shots

In the long run, your doctor is likely to recommend that you get treatment for the allergy that is causing your symptoms. 

This can be accomplished through the use of prescription medications that are safe for regular usage.

During an allergy shot, you are really being injected with a small quantity of the allergen that you are allergic to. Over time, this will assist in desensitizing your body to the allergen.

Your body reacts to the increased dosage by gradually increasing it. Your symptoms will gradually diminish over time. Allergy shots can be a solution if you are worried about can allergies cause dizziness.


Your doctor may also keep an eye out for indicators of celiac disease in your system. This is a more severe kind of gluten intolerance that necessitates the entire elimination of gluten from one’s diet, else serious health consequences may result from eating gluten.

When Should You Visit a Doctor?

If you are unable to determine the source of your dizziness, it is critical that you get medical attention. Again, there are other non-lethal reasons for dizziness. 

However, it is possible that it is indicative of a major health risk. Make a note of the time when your dizziness began. Also, keep an eye out for any other symptoms that may manifest themselves. 

Your doctor can assist you in receiving the proper diagnosis. It is possible that they will be able to alleviate your symptoms if your dizziness is a result of allergies.

FAQs – Can Allergies Cause Dizziness?

Can seasonal allergies make you dizzy?

Allergies can result in sinus pressure and discomfort. Headaches and dizziness are possible side effects. Allergies might also result in ear issues. Because of this, you may experience dizziness and lose your equilibrium.

How long does dizziness from allergies last?

Temporary dizzy episodes caused by seasonal allergens are not a serious health problem, but they can keep you from working for a day or two. Vertigo may be really debilitating and make you feel completely wretched.

Can your sinuses make you dizzy?

Dizziness can be caused by a build-up of pressure in the inner ear. It can include pressure generated by sinus issues, among other things. Keep your movements slow, such as standing up or shaking your head quickly.

How do you get rid of dizziness from allergies?

The use of antihistamines (prescription or over-the-counter), nasal sprays, and decongestive medications can assist in alleviating dizziness when an inner-ear condition is a cause. 

In fact, doctors occasionally give antihistamines to patients who have dizziness or vertigo that is not the result of allergies since it is a highly effective therapy option.

Can allergies cause dizziness?

Yes, allergies can cause dizziness. However, dizziness is not a common symptom of allergy, but it is possible.

When should you worry about dizziness?

In general, if you are experiencing frequent, abrupt, severe, or protracted and unexplained dizziness or vertigo, you should consult your doctor. If you are experiencing new, severe dizziness or vertigo, get emergency medical attention right away.

Is antihistamine good for dizziness?

You can try an over-the-counter (nonprescription) antihistamine, such as meclizine or dimenhydrinate if your nausea is accompanied by your dizziness (Dramamine). These have the potential to induce sleepiness. Antihistamines that do not cause drowsiness are less effective.

Can clogged sinuses cause vertigo?

An accumulation of mucus in the Eustachian tube causes sinusitis vertigo. The Eustachian tube is a tube that connects your inner ear to your throat. 

It is a component of the system that assists you in maintaining your equilibrium. While suffering from a sinus infection, the inflammation in your sinuses makes it impossible for them to drain correctly.


When your body reacts to a seemingly harmless chemical, this is known as an allergy. It produces a runny nose, itchy eyes, and sinus congestion because histamine is generated in response to the material being fought. So, can allergies cause dizziness? Yes, it can!

One of the lesser-known allergy symptoms is a severe kind of dizziness known as vertigo, which can last for many hours.

You should wash bed linens in hot water to protect against winter allergies. You should keep pets outside or away from beds, and you should purchase a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to protect against winter allergies.

An ENT doctor can provide further information if you are experiencing vertigo that may relate to allergies and would want more information.

Seasonal allergies can cause symptoms in the eyes, ears, nose, and throat of those who suffer from them, among other things. 

Additionally, some patients who have acute allergy symptoms get vertigo, according to medical professionals.

Because vertigo is not a frequent symptom of allergies, healthcare practitioners should be completely certain that allergies are the root cause before concluding that allergies are the reason.

When a person suffers from allergy symptoms as well as vertigo, addressing the allergy symptoms may be sufficient to alleviate both problems.


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