Exercise Daily – Many women report experiencing a broad variety of unpleasant sensations when pregnant, and this is not uncommon. One typical symptom is pain under bra line during pregnancy.
The majority of the time, the source of rib discomfort is completely innocuous. Because of their location in the womb, the developing fetus often produces aches and pains in the area of the ribs.
Medical issues, which occur less often, might cause rib discomfort as well. Thus, it is vital to be aware of the warning signals.
Another typical pregnancy symptom is rib discomfort, which is particularly prevalent in the latter trimester. A common combination of symptoms that people encounter is rib pain and shortness of breath. This is because discomfort in the ribcage may make it difficult to take deep breaths, which can result in you feeling out of breath.
Causes of Rib Pain in Pregnancy
Pregnancy and the changes that occur in your body as a result of it may have an impact on your musculoskeletal system, particularly your ribs. The following are the most common causes of rib discomfort during pregnancy:
Relaxin and progesterone – two pregnancy hormones act together to release and relax the muscles and ligaments in your body. As a result of these changes, you will be more comfortable throughout your pregnancy and birth.
However, you may have discomfort in your ribs and other areas of your body.
Growing Uterus
During the late second and early third trimesters of pregnancy, the uterus grows higher to accommodate the growing baby. As the fetus grows in size, it is possible that it may begin to push on the ribs. This is an important factor causing pain under bra line during pregnancy.
It is possible that carrying the extra weight of the fetus may put a strain on the muscles surrounding the belly. It may put pressure on the rib muscles, resulting in muscular pains.
This kind of discomfort is generally mild to moderate in intensity. If the pain is severe, it is important to consult with a medical professional.
Position of the Fetus
Close to the end of the second trimester, it’s common for the baby to shift position and flip upside down. In this position, its head is facing down and its feet point toward the ribs.
It is possible for the fetus to exert pressure on the ribs in this new position. Their actions begin to have an effect on the woman’s body as well. Injuries to the rib cage and other parts of the body might result from their arm and leg motions.
This form of rib discomfort is most often experienced by pregnant women directly below the breast on the side where the baby is growing.
When you reach the end of your pregnancy, your baby’s legs and feet are fully formed. They are powerful, and ready to kick. Those kicks may hit you in the ribs at times causing pain under bra line during pregnancy.
Weight growth is a problem
The additional weight you’re carrying, particularly in your breasts, might cause discomfort in your back, shoulders, and rib cage. You should see your doctor if you’re experiencing back pain.
Round ligament pain
Round ligament discomfort is a frequent complaint among pregnant women. The round ligaments are a pair of fibrous tissue cords that go from the front of the uterus to the groin.
The growth of the uterus during pregnancy might exert strain on the round ligaments, resulting in severe discomfort while moving.
Round ligament discomfort may develop at any moment during pregnancy, although it is most common during the second trimester. Women may have discomfort in the rib cage, lower back, or pelvis.
Pregnant women are at an increased risk of acquiring gallstones compared to the general population. This is owing to increased estrogen levels in the blood and difficulties emptying the gallbladder.
Approximately 12 percent of pregnant women, according to one research, will develop gallstones throughout their pregnancy.
Gallstones may or may not be associated with any symptoms. When this occurs, patients often complain of discomfort in the upper right abdomen and lower back. Gallstones may appear at any point throughout a woman’s pregnancy.
Following their pregnancies, some women may need surgery to have them removed.
Urinary Tract Infections
Pain under bra line during pregnancy can be because of UTIs. During pregnancy, a woman’s chance of having a urinary tract infection (UTI) rises, particularly during the third trimester.
When a woman is pregnant, her urinary tract bacteria changes, and she may have greater trouble emptying her bladder. These variables enhance the likelihood of developing UTIs. A kidney infection, if left untreated, may produce discomfort in the kidneys that feel similar to rib pain.
You should consult a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Pain in the bladder or near the kidneys
- Increased frequency of urination
- Burning sensation during urination
- Poor urine flow
- Fever or chills
Relaxin has the potential to produce discomfort in a variety of locations throughout the body, including the pelvis and behind the ribs. Heartburn may sometimes cause this kind of discomfort.
In order to create heartburn, Relaxin works by temporarily relaxing the esophagus, a tube that transports food from your mouth to your stomach, enabling stomach acid to rise more quickly than normal.
Beginning as early as the first trimester, heartburn may be a persistent problem that lasts throughout the pregnancy.
Constipation is characterized by stomach discomfort, few or delayed bowel movements, and difficult bowel motions when they do occur. A woman may have constipation-related discomfort or pain under bra line during pregnancy.
Preeclampsia, as well as HELLP syndrome, are two issues that may arise during pregnancy and cause discomfort under bra line. They may both produce upper right quadrant discomfort, which is characterized by liver pain.
There are numerous various ways in which people might be affected by liver discomfort. Symptoms vary from person to person. Some report shoulder discomfort, while others report pain at the bra line or severe heartburn that does not react to antacids.
Both preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome manifest themselves in the late second and early third trimesters of pregnancy.
Among the signs and symptoms are:
- Pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen
- Protein in the urine
- High blood pressure
- Malaise
- Nausea and severe heartburn
- Difficulty urinating
- Sudden weight gain
- Headaches unresponsive to medication
- visual disturbances, and eye floaters
- Swelling in the hands and face
Preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome are both serious pregnancy problems that may be life-threatening for both the mother and the baby. These conditions need immediate medical intervention.
If a woman develops preeclampsia, her doctor may propose that she give birth sooner rather than later. After giving birth, sometimes the woman’s symptoms such as high blood pressure do not subside. Therefore, she may need to start taking blood pressure drugs again.
Also read: Fluttering in Lower Abdomen Female
Diagnosis For Pain Under Bra Line During Pregnancy
A physical examination will typically be performed by a doctor in order to assist them to determine the source of rib discomfort.
In addition to her symptoms and worries, they will inquire about the woman’s expected delivery date. The majority of the time, they will take the woman’s blood pressure.
A brief period of time will be spent monitoring the fetus’ heart rate to ensure that it remains steady throughout the pregnancy.
If a doctor believes that a patient has a urinary tract infection (UTI) or another illness, he or she may request a urine sample. If they are still unable to determine what is causing the discomfort, they may recommend a blood test.
Tips to Relieve Rib Pain
When you are pregnant, your body is designed to expand and develop. However, this does not negate the fact that it might be unpleasant at times. You may not be able to prevent it, but you may make an effort to alleviate it.
You may do the following to alleviate rib discomfort when pregnant:
Maintain a healthy weight by exercising regularly. Stretching is very beneficial. An exercise ball may be used to stretch out the back and chest muscles. It is pretty good for pregnancy exercises.
Wear comfortable and loose clothes. It’s a constant effort to find clothing that is both comfortable and makes you feel like you’re still just as gorgeous as you were before. Make an investment in some maternity clothing that is both comfortable and allows you to breathe.
Consume nutritious meals to avoid weight gain, gas or bloating, constipation, and gallstones.
Prenatal workouts or pregnancy yoga may help to stabilize, strengthen, and stretch your muscles and joints while you are pregnant.
Use supportive accessories
Wear a supportive bra that is correctly fitted to your body and may help pain under bra line during pregnancy. To support your growing belly, consider using a pregnant belly belt or band. You can also get maternity shoes or head massagers to make this phase easier.
Warm compresses or Cold Packs
Warm compresses or cold packs may be used to the hurting region to relieve the discomfort
Use pillows
Make yourself more comfortable in bed by using more pillows or body pillows.
Monitor your BP
Keep track of your blood pressure to rule out any pain under the bra line due to eclampsia or any other serious issues.
Move about
Working at a desk all day should be broken up with frequent breaks, standing up, and moving about the office space.
Relax yourself
Practice deep breathing exercises or take a warm shower or bath to relax.
It is not recommended that you use any pain medication without first seeing your doctor. In order to alleviate pain, your doctor may prescribe Tylenol (acetaminophen). Consult your doctor about visiting an alternative care practitioner such as a chiropractor or an acupuncturist.
Frequently Asked Questions
What causes pain under the breast during pregnancy?
Pain under bra line during pregnancy are often caused by pressure from the top of the uterus as it expands, or by the baby kicking or striking the pregnant mother in the breast area. When leaning forward, the discomfort might be exacerbated.
Where is preeclampsia pain located?
Preeclampsia is characterized by abdominal discomfort, which is prevalent. It is traditionally felt in the upper-right abdomen, below the ribs – about where the liver is situated.
However, it may also be felt below the breastbone, in a location called the epigastrium. Moreover, it may at times radiate to the right side of the back, depending on the individual.
How can I sleep with rib pain while pregnant?
When you’re laying down, use pillows to help you stay comfortable. Using pregnant pillows while sleeping is essential throughout pregnancy. We suggest that you sleep on your left side in order to improve circulation and blood flow for both you and your newborn baby.
Can baby’s position cause pain?
As your uterus expands to accommodate your developing baby, the ligaments in your pelvis expand as well.
Sharp or dull discomfort in the belly, hips, or groin may result as a result of this. Moving your body, sneezing, or coughing may all cause round ligament discomfort to appear and persist.
What were your first signs of preeclampsia?
- Sudden weight gain
- Shoulder pain
- Belly pain, especially in the upper right side
- Severe headaches
- Change in reflexes or mental state
- Less urination
- Dizziness
- Trouble breathing
Take Away
Rib discomfort, like many other aches and pains that occur during pregnancy, is common and typically not a reason for concern. However, you should always consult with your doctor about any and all of your symptoms, even if you assume they are just a result of pregnancy.
It’s always wise to be on the safe side and have your doctor take a look. It is particularly important for women to get medical attention immediately if they are experiencing discomfort coupled with other symptoms such as fever, elevated blood pressure, or spots in front of their eyes.
If you had pain under bra line during pregnancy, share your experiences in the comments section. Let us know how you relieved it.