will strep go away on its own

Exercise Daily – Sometimes we approach disease with a “wait-it-out” mentality, which is completely unnecessary. Being unwell is never enjoyable, but we believe that with time, things will improve. Many individuals approach a sore throat with this frame of mind while they are suffering from it. But the question is will strep go away on its own?

Although this is somewhat true, it is conceivable that your sore throat is caused by anything other than a bacterial illness. If your throat difficulties are caused by strep throat, you may not want to wait for the infection to clear up.

Strep throat is a bacterial infection that may cause your throat to feel rough and scratchy. The worst part is, it can last for many days. Sore throats are caused by a variety of conditions, including strep throat.

If left untreated, strep throat may lead to serious problems such as inflammation and rheumatic fever, among other things. Rheumatic fever may result in painful and inflamed joints, allergy, and heart valve damage.

Even though it is more frequent in youngsters, strep throat may occur in persons of any age. Visit your doctor as soon as possible if you suspect that you or your kid has strep throat. Testing and treatments are available right away.

What is the source of Strep Throat?

Strep throat also referred to as streptococcal pharyngitis, is caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Astreptococcus, or Streptococcus pyogenes. These may infect the nose and throat and spread throughout the body.

People become infected with streptococcus through their mouths, noses, and open wounds. Strep carriers transmit the germs by spitting or spraying droplets from their mouths or noses on others. 

These also happen while sharing foods and drinks with others or enabling someone to come into touch with a strep-infected person. So, before we talk about will strep go away on its own, we should try to prevent it.

Similarly, if the bacterium comes into contact with things and someone touches those things, they may have strep throat as well. Because strep spreads via intimate contact with saliva, you may get the virus from someone who is sick with the illness.

Symptoms of Strep throat

Symptoms usually appear between one and three days after exposure, and they remain for seven to ten days. Some of these symptoms are as follows:

  • Fever
  • Pain in the throat
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Swallowing pain
  • Tonsils are swollen
  • White patches on the back of the throat
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal pain

It is possible for you or your kid to exhibit many of the signs and symptoms of strep throat without actually having the infection. Viruses, bacterial infections, and other illnesses are all possible causes of these signs and symptoms. 

That is why your doctor will most likely do a specialized strep throat test on you. It’s also conceivable that you’ll come into contact with someone who has strep but isn’t showing any signs of illness.

Risk Factors

There are many things that might raise your chance of getting strep throat. These include:

Young Age

Children are the ones who are most likely to have strep throat. However, it’s not sure will strep go away on its own in children – or do they have to take antibiotics. Therefore, the best solution is to prevent it.

Time of the Year

Despite the fact that strep throat may develop at any time of year. However, it is more common in the winter and early spring. Strep bacteria thrive in environments where large numbers of humans come into close touch.


The infection of the throat with streptococcal bacteria might result in significant problems. Antibiotic therapy lowers the likelihood of infection. Since the infection spreads from person to person, Strep bacteria have the potential to spread, resulting in infection in:

  • Tonsils
  • Sinuses
  • Skin
  • Blood
  • Middle Ear
  • Inflammation

Scarlet Fever

Scarlet fever is a streptococcal illness marked by a rash that is particularly noticeable.


PSGN or post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis is inflammation that affects the kidneys

Rheumatic Fever

Inflammatory disease of the heart, joints, nervous system, and skin, is a dangerous inflammatory disorder that may cause significant complications.

Poststreptococcal Reactive Arthritis

Poststreptococcal reactive arthritis is a disorder that causes inflammation of the joints after a bout of strep throat infection.

Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS)

Strep infection may be connected with a rare syndrome known as a pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with group A streptococci (PANDAS). 

When strep is present, children with this illness exhibit exacerbated symptoms of neuropsychiatric problems. These include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or tic disorders, among other things. 

This link has yet to be proven and is thus very contentious. Moreover, it’s still unsure that will strep go away on its own especially in the case of such neuropsychiatric disorders.


In order to avoid strep infection, follow these steps:

Wash Hands Properly

Hand washing properly is the most effective method of preventing all types of diseases. As a result, it is essential to wash your hands with soap and water on a frequent basis for at least 20 seconds at a time. 

Teach your children how to properly wash their hands with soap and water. Also, teach them how to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if there is no soap and water available.

Use antibacterial hand wash to make sure that you do not get infections.

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Cover Your Mouth With Your Elbow

When your children cough or sneeze, teach them to cover their mouths with an elbow or a tissue to avoid becoming sick.

Do Not Share You Stuff with Others

Drinking glasses and eating utensils should not be shared. Dishes should be washed in hot, soapy water or in a dishwasher after use.


A sore throat may make life uncomfortable because of the scratchy, burning sensation it causes. Everyday chores, like drinking water to answering the phone, are transformed into excruciating struggles.

When you suspect you may have strep throat, it’s important to remember that the bacterial illness can only be identified by a throat swab test.

If your doctor suspects you have strep throat, he or she will do a physical exam. He might look for signs and symptoms of the infection. Only then he might determine that will strep go away on its own or requires antibiotics.

He might assure by requesting one or more of the following tests:

Rapid Antigen Test

A swab sample from your throat may be used to do a fast antigen test, which your doctor will explain. This test, which looks for chemicals (antigens) in the throat, may identify strep bacteria in minutes and is quite accurate. 

Alternatively, if the test is negative but your doctor believes you have strep, he may order a throat culture.

Polymerase Chain Reaction or PCR

This test is also performed using a swab sample taken from the back of your throat.

Throat Culture

To get a sample of the secretions, a sterile swab is wiped over the back of the throat and tonsil. Generally, a cotton ball helps in doing so. 

It is not unpleasant, but it may induce gagging if not done properly. The sample is then cultivated in a laboratory to determine whether or not bacteria are present. However, findings may take up to two days to come back.


Taking any recommended drugs, including antibiotics, if you test positive for strep is critical. Failing to do so may result in major health problems such as rheumatic fever or heart murmurs, which are life-threatening.


If your doctor determines that you have strep throat, what next? Will strep go away on its own? The answer has to be a disappointing no!

He will prescribe an oral antibiotic to treat the infection. Taking antibiotics within 48 hours of the commencement of an illness may minimize the length and intensity of symptoms.

Additionally, there might lesser risk of complications and the possibility that an infection will spread to others. Antibiotics are most effective when taken early in the disease.

After receiving therapy, you or your kid should begin to feel better within a day or two. If you haven’t seen any improvement after taking antibiotics for 48 hours, see your doctor again!

Be sure you finish the medication completely. It is dangerous to stop treatment too soon since it might result in recurrences and significant consequences.

Symptom Reliever Medicines

Take ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) to ease throat discomfort. Moreover, these drugs help in lowering temperature if you have a sore throat.

When it comes to children and teens recuperating from chickenpox or flu-like symptoms, aspirin is not a good choice. 

However, it is permissible for use in children older than 3 years of age. This is due to the fact that aspirin has associations with Reye’s syndrome in children, which is an uncommon but potentially life-threatening illness.

Strep Throat Treatment At Home

Most people feel better within a day or two after beginning antibiotics. But will strep go away on its own is not sure. However, there are some things you can do to help reduce the symptoms such as remedies. 

Here are some fast and simple home remedies for strep throat that you may try.

Many sore throat therapies may be used to alleviate the symptoms of strep throat. In addition to getting plenty of rest and drinking enough fluids, you may try the home treatments listed below.

These are all geared at eradicating the bacteria that causes strep throat and are safe to use. Keep in mind, however, that antibiotics are the only method to properly treat strep throat. Here are some strep throat treatments without antibiotics that might help with relieving symptoms:


Elderberry is available in a variety of forms, including tea, capsules, powder, and liquid. Although it is well recognized for its ability to prevent the common cold, it may also be effective in preventing the spread of bacterial infections such as strep throat. 

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The anti-inflammatory effects of echinacea may also aid in the relief of discomfort associated with strep throat. As soon as symptoms arise, consume echinacea in liquid form, as a tea, or as a pill to alleviate them.

It has the ability to both enhance your immune system and destroy viruses that are already present in your body. 

Vitamin C

If you have strep throat, increase your vitamin C intake. If you wonder how will strep go away on its own, Vitamin C might help.

This can be done by taking a vitamin C supplement and eating foods that are high in vitamin C. These fruits include oranges, kale, strawberries, grapefruit, and kiwi.

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Vitamin D

Inadequate levels of vitamin D have been related to respiratory infections. Moreover, it plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

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Medical-grade honey has the ability to combat some of the microorganisms that cause diseases. The body’s antioxidant levels rise, which aids in the stimulation of the immune system. Moreover, due to its consistency, it has long been used to soothe sore throats.

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Warm Broth

When you have a sore throat and find it difficult to swallow other meals, this might help you stay hydrated. It also contains nutrients that aid to strengthen the immune system while also reducing swelling and discomfort. 

It is possible to alleviate the symptoms of strep throat by drinking warm bone broth produced from protein powder throughout the day.


When it comes to strep throat, it may assist relieve discomfort and reducing inflammation. Pain, congestion, edema, and redness are all reduced by antioxidants in chamomile tea. 

Dandelion tea offers anti-infective properties that may help fight infection while also strengthening your immune system. 

So, the question is will strep go away on its own? No! 

Will teas help, definitely yes!

Essential Oils

Its naturally occurring menthol delivers a soothing and relaxing effect to the throat. Moreover, it also helps to decrease swelling in the throat. Essential oils are a classic home treatment for treating the symptoms of strep throat. 

They are efficient in eliminating germs isolated from people suffering from oral and respiratory illnesses. 

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Peppermint Oil

Add 1 to 2 drops of peppermint oil to a glass of water and drink it.

Alternatively, apply 1 to 2 drops to the skin around your neck, chest, and temples to relieve stress and tension.

Thyme Oil

Gargle with 1 to 2 drops of thyme oil in a glass of water to relieve body pains, or soak in a bath of thyme oil to relieve body aches.


Salt may help relieve a sore throat, reduce unpleasant swelling, and eliminate germs in your mouth. The antibacterial properties of the salt have also been beneficial in the treatment of respiratory disorders. 

Make a solution with 1/4 teaspoon (1.42 grams) table salt and 8 ounces (237 milliliters) of warm water. After gargling, be sure you spit the liquid out of your mouth.

Coconut Oil

Using coconut oil in the mouth decreases the prevalence of strep bacteria and other toxins in the mouth. Spit out 1 to 2 teaspoons of coconut oil after swishing it about in your mouth for at least 10 minutes. 

Rinse your mouth out with warm water and brush your teeth thereafter.

Other Tips to Help Fight Strep Throat

If you still wonder that will strep go away on its own, and haven’t reached conclusion, here is a deal. You can take the prescribed medications and try out these tips to speed up the recovery process.

Make sure you get enough sleep

Sleep aids in the body’s ability to fight illness. If you have strep throat, try to avoid going to work if at all possible. If your kid becomes unwell, keep him or her at home until there is no indication of fever, he or she feels better, and he or she has been on an antibiotic for at least 24 hours.

Make sure you drink lots of water

Preventing dehydration by keeping a sore throat lubricated and moist can make swallowing easier and will help avoid dehydration.

Consume calming foods

Broths, soups, applesauce, cooked cereal, mashed potatoes, soft fruits, yogurt, and soft-boiled eggs are all examples of meals that are easy to swallow. In order to make food simpler to swallow, it is possible to put it in a blender. 

Soothing foods that are cold, such as sherbet, frozen yogurt, or frozen fruit pops, may also be beneficial. 

Keep spicy meals and acidic foods such as orange juice to a minimum.

Make use of a humidifier

Increasing the amount of moisture in the air may assist to alleviate pain. It is best to use a cool-mist humidifier. However, make sure to clean it on a regular basis since germs and mold may thrive in certain humidifiers. 

Nasal sprays containing saline are also effective in keeping mucous membranes wet.

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Keep your distance from irritants

A painful throat may get worse by cigarette smoke. It may increase the probability of an infection such as tonsillitis occurring. Avoid breathing in fumes from paint or cleaning chemicals, which may irritate the throat and lungs and cause breathing difficulties.

Replace Toothbrushes

If you have been diagnosed with strep throat, replacing your and your family’s toothbrushes may help. In addition to this, carefully sanitizing any surfaces that may have come into touch with the strep virus will help avoid recurrences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get over strep throat without an antibiotic?

There are chances, but very few! if you don’t take antibiotics, you may stay infectious for two to three weeks. This might put you at greater risk for problems such as rheumatic fever.

What happens if strep throat is untreated?

Sore throats are caused by a variety of conditions, including strep throat. If left untreated, strep throat may lead to serious problems such as kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever.

How long does it take for strep to go away untreated?

Treatment for strep throat, whether with or without antibiotics, is usually effective within three to seven days. It is possible that you could remain infectious for two to three weeks if you do not get antibiotics for strep throat. 

How can I get rid of strep throat without antibiotics?

  • Make sure you get enough sleep
  • Take a large amount of water
  • Consume meals that are comforting for the throat
  • Gargle with warm salt water
  • Utilize honey
  • Make use of a humidifier
  • Stay away from irritants

Can you have strep throat and no fever?

Yes, it is possible to have strep throat without developing a fever. Doctors will often check for five key indications of strep throat during the first stage of identifying the infection:

  • No cough
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • White spots on tonsils
  • Tiny red spots on the roof of the mouth
  • Fever


If you are worried that you may have strep throat, and you are not sure that will strep go away on its own, we strongly advise that you contact a healthcare practitioner. Strep throat usually clears up in three to seven days, whether or not antibiotics are used to treat the infection. 

The downside is that, if you don’t take antibiotics, you may stay infectious for two to three weeks. In this way, you are putting yourself at a greater risk of developing problems such as rheumatic fever.

Furthermore, problems arising from bacterial infection might increase a person’s vulnerability to other viral illnesses, such as influenza. So, make sure you take the necessary measures. Don’t forget to share your experiences in the comments section below.


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