I Bruise Easily What Vitamins Do I Need

Exercise Daily – Have you ever woken up with a bruise on your arm and had no clue where it came from? You might think I bruise easily what vitamins do I need. It’s the right speculation. You should start taking vitamins if it’s because of vitamin deficiency.

This apparently bizarre incident is really frequent. It most certainly has occurred to almost all of us at some time in our lives at some point. 

A bruise forms when blood vessels under the skin break and blood spills into the surrounding region, causing the skin to become red. A common cause of this is a traumatic event such as a fall, slamming into a door, or receiving a blow.

If you’ve observed a lot of bruises appearing in the absence of any severe damage, it’s possible that you’re bruising easily. It may occur for a variety of different causes.

What Can Make You Bruise Easily in the First Place?

Bruising (ecchymosis) occurs when minute blood vessels (capillaries) rupture under the surface of the skin. This has the potential to produce internal bleeding into the skin tissue. You’ll see darkening beneath your skin as a result of the bleeding, which is called a bruise.

I Bruise Easily What Vitamins Do I Need?

We all acquire bruises from time to time from bumping into items, and it’s normal. When there has been a significant impact or trauma, bruising is frequently inevitable and may be very substantial. 

The rare bruise, or a bruise caused by an accident, on the other hand, is usually not a reason for serious worry.

It’s possible that you have a medical issue if you bruise easily or have inexplicable bruising or bruising that is followed by bleeding elsewhere. You should see a doctor and ask that I bruise easily what vitamins do I need.

What is the Cause of Bruising?

When you bump into anything, your body’s natural response is to create blood clots to stop the bleeding. It prevents bruising from occurring. However, your blood may not be able to clot as well as it should on occasion. 

When this occurs, you may find that you bruise more readily than usual.

Ones over the age of 50 are more likely than younger adults to sustain bruising. This is due to the fact that your skin becomes thinner as you get older. In addition, as you get older, you tend to lose part of the fatty layer in your skin that serves to protect your blood vessels.

Aside from drug side effects, it is possible that you have a medical condition or even a vitamin deficit. These factors are discussed in more depth farther down this post.


Some medications, such as aspirin, might impair your body’s capacity to produce blood clots. This increases your chances of bruising. There are many medications that have been shown to decrease your blood’s capacity to clot.

I Bruise Easily What Vitamins Do I Need?

If your medications are responsible, you can’t really ask your doctor that I bruise easily what vitamins do I need. Some of the medicines responsible for bruising are as follows:

Blood Thinners

Blood thinners are medications that thin the blood. These drugs are often used for the prevention of heart attack and stroke. 

If you have atrial fibrillation, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or recent cardiac stent placement, your healthcare provider may also prescribe these medications to help you manage your condition. The following medications are examples of this kind of medication:

  • Warfarin is a prescription medication (Coumadin)
  • Clopidogrel is a medication that is used to prevent blood clots from forming (Plavix)
  • Rivaroxaban is a medication that is an anti-coagulant (Xarelto)
  • Apixaban is a medication used to treat stroke (Eliquis)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs)

These drugs are often used as analgesics and pain relievers. In contrast to conventional pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) also lower swelling induced by inflammation. 

When used over an extended length of time, some medications might cause increased bleeding. NSAIDs that are often used include:

  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen is a kind of pain reliever (Advil, Motrin)
  • Naproxen (naproxen sodium) (Aleve)
  • Celecoxib is a prescription medication (Celebrex)


Some steroid drugs, such as cortisone, might make you more prone to bruising. This is particularly true when it comes to topical corticosteroids. They have the potential to thin your skin. 

Topically applied steroids are often used in the treatment of eczema and other types of skin rashes. Asthma, allergies, and severe colds may all be treated with oral medications.

Nutritional Supplements

Several plants and supplements are considered to interfere with your body’s capacity to clot, which may result in easy bruising. However, there is no evidence to support this claim in the scientific literature.

Asking your doctor, I bruise easily what vitamins do I need is important. You can talk any supplement to help bruising – they might be the ones causing it. Here are a few speculated nutritional supplements and plants:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Garlic
  • Palmetto 
  • Ginkgo
  • Ginseng
  • St. John’s wort (also known as John’s wort)

You should not stop taking your prescriptions if you realize that your bruising has intensified. Instead, you should consult with your doctor about this matter.

Also, make sure your doctor or other healthcare professional is aware of any herbs or supplements you are taking. This is because this might impair your blood’s capacity to clot, particularly if your doctor has prescribed you blood thinners.

Medical Problems

If you bruise easily, it’s possible that your failure to form clots is the consequence of a medical problem that you don’t know about. Effective blood clotting depends on a balanced diet, a functioning liver, as well as an active bone marrow cell count. 

I Bruise Easily What Vitamins Do I Need?

In the event that any of these elements is slightly wrong, bruising may develop more often. Among the medical problems that might induce easy bruising are the following:

Hemophilia A 

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder. In most cases, this illness, which is also known as classical hemophilia or factor VIII, is passed down via families. It is caused by a clotting protein known as factor VIII that is either absent or faulty. 

So, when it’s hemophilia, thinking that i bruise easily what vitamins do I need can put you in trouble.

When you have hemophilia A, it takes your blood a long time to coagulate, which may result in bruising and bleeding. This is an uncommon disorder that may be life-threatening. It does not have a cure, although it can be managed.

Hemophilia B

The condition known as hemophilia B, sometimes known as “Christmas illness,” occurs when your body produces little or no factor IX. It is a kind of protein that aids in the clotting of your blood. 

This may result in prolonged or spontaneous bleeding, which makes it easier for bruises to develop under the skin’s surface.

Von Willebrand Disease

In the case of Von Willebrand disease, a genetic mutation that leads to a deficit of a protein known as von Willebrand factor causes the condition (VWF). This is a sort of protein that aids in the clotting of your blood.

Low Platelet Count

A low platelet count is a condition in which the platelets are insufficient. Platelets are a kind of blood cell that cluster together to form clots, which help to halt bleeding. Severe bleeding might occur if you don’t have enough platelets in your bloodstream. 

Your platelet count may be affected if you have been exposed to chemotherapy, radiation, or harmful substances. Certain diseases, such as the following, may have an impact on your platelet count:

  • leukemia
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Aplastic anemia 
  • Myelodysplasia

Cushing’s Syndrome

Cushing’s syndrome is a medical condition that affects the adrenal glands. When you have Cushing’s syndrome, also known as hypercortisolism, your body produces excessively high quantities of the hormone cortisol. It causes you to feel stressed. 

Skin that bruises easily is one of the probable indications of this condition.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (also known as EDS) is a genetic disorder that affects the joints (EDS). This syndrome refers to a group of inherited diseases that affect your connective tissue, specifically your skin, blood vessel walls, and joints, as well as your bones and joints. 

Because the epidermis, blood vessels, and connective tissue around the blood vessels are all very delicate, bruising is a common occurrence in the human body.

Vitamin Deficiency

It is possible that vitamin K and vitamin C deficiencies, as well as a lack of other vitamins that aid in the clotting of your blood, contribute to easy bruising. Hence, you should ask your healthcare specialist that I bruise easily what vitamins do I need?

Inadequate nutrition might raise the likelihood of being deficient in important vitamins and minerals. Your healthcare practitioner may arrange a blood test to check for vitamin deficiencies and, based on the findings, may offer vitamin supplements.

How to Treat Easy Bruising?

Bruises will usually disappear on their own if they are not treated. It is common for the blood that was responsible for the discoloration to be reabsorbed by the body within a few days. However, there are things you may do to aid in the recovery of the bruise.

Nutritional Supplements

Folic acid (folate), as well as vitamins C, K, and B12, aid in the formation of blood clots. Your skin may bruise more readily if you do not obtain enough of these nutrients. If you are unable to consume proper nutrients from food, try these supplements.

If you have a vitamin C deficiency, try eating more citrus fruits. 

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Beef and fortified breakfast cereals are excellent sources of vitamin B12. 

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Spinach and other green leafy vegetables are excellent providers of vitamin K and folate.

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Your doctor might also suggest these if you tell them that I bruise easily what vitamins do I need.

Apply a cold compress

An ice compress should be applied to the affected area as soon as possible if there is swelling and discomfort associated with bruising. Make sure you provide a barrier (such as a cloth or thin towel) between the chilly item and your exposed skin before you touch it. 

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Placing the compress on your skin for up to 20 minutes at a time can help to relieve stress.


Lie down and apply a cold compress to the affected arm or leg while in elevation. Try it for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, or for as long as it takes to minimize bruising.

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OTC medicines

Over-the-counter medications are those that may be purchased without a prescription. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be used to alleviate the discomfort.

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How to Prevent Bruises?

Despite the fact that some medical conditions and drugs might make you more prone to bruising, there may still be ways to avoid bruising. One option is to use more caution as you get older.

Additionally, you may be able to avoid becoming bruised by following the instructions below:

Consult your healthcare provider if you are taking any drugs that may be causing you to bleed or bruise more readily. They may collaborate with you to make changes to your treatment plan.

Do ask them that I bruise easily what vitamins do I need. Always with your doctor before discontinuing any drugs on your own. Some drugs may need a gradual decrease in dosage and close monitoring.

Getting the correct nutrition may also assist to reduce the likelihood of bruising easily. Make an effort to consume foods that are high in vitamin C and vitamin K, or consider taking supplements.

Keep an eye on where you’re going. Whenever possible, avoid glancing at your phone or being distracted while you’re walking.

When climbing or descending stairs, hold on to the handrails.

Make sure you get your eyesight checked to ensure that you can see well enough to avoid any potential hazards that might cause injury.

Remove any domestic risks that might cause you to trip or bump into anything. Remove any debris or wires that might cause you to stumble or fall.

Try balance exercises can help you to get a better sense of balance.

When you’re exercising, be sure you’re wearing protective gear.

When should you see your doctor?

If you’re bruising more often than normal, or if your bruising is accompanied by bleeding from another source, see your doctor right once. Ask him I bruise easily what vitamins do I need.

This might be an indication of a dangerous ailment that needs prompt medical treatment. Also crucial to be aware of is the possibility that unexplained bruises might be an indication of domestic abuse.

Healthcare providers are obligated by law to ask you questions in order to determine whether or not you are safe. If you need support due to domestic violence or sexual assault, speak with your healthcare practitioner.

Frequently Asked Questions

What supplements should I take if I bruise easily?

Vitamin C supplementation with flavonoids is often advised. Flavonoids are vitamin-like compounds that may help strengthen capillaries. Hence, they assist in the prevention of bruising. 

Do iron supplements help with bruising?

Yes, iron supplements might help with bruising. However, you should consult your healthcare provider to determine the exact cause of bruising.

What contains vitamin K?

  • Vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.
  • Green leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach, turnip greens, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, parsley, romaine, and green leaf lettuce.
  • Fish, liver, meat, eggs, and cereals

Is vitamin K Good for bruising?

Yes, vitamin K seems to be a promising remedy for easy bruising. It helps blood clot properly and doesn’t let bruising occur.

How do you stop bruising easily?

To reduce bruising, it is important to elevate the wounded region immediately and apply ice. Preventive action is the greatest way to avoid bruising. So consider decluttering your home and using protective gear if you’re doing anything dangerous.

Take Away

Bruising occurs when capillaries burst apart under the surface of the skin, resulting in bleeding inside the skin’s tissue. A bruise is a discoloration that results as a consequence of the bleeding. You should ask your doctor why I bruise easily what vitamins do I need.

For the most part, bruises are not a reason for worry. Nonetheless, if you discover that you’re bruising more readily than normal, or if the bruises are bigger than usual and are accompanied by other symptoms, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare provider.

Some medications, particularly blood thinners, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and steroids, can cause an increase in bruising as a side effect. Another possibility is that it is due to an underlying health issue or a vitamin deficit.

It is not recommended that you stop taking your medicine or adjust your dose if you believe your excessive bruising is caused by your medication. Instead, speak with your doctor about your concerns in order to develop a treatment plan that is most effective for you.

If you have had bruising problems, let us know how you managed yours, and what was causing it?