what is the nutritional value of watermelon?

Exercise Daily – When summer time begins and the temperature rises, you can finally find them again on the shelves of supermarkets, yes! It is watermelons. The big green pumpkin plant to which the watermelon actually belongs is indispensable on the hot days in summer. 

Children and adults alike love them and should not only appreciate watermelon for its sweet taste. Because the watermelon has a lot more to offer, in addition to its high water content. You can read everything you need to know about the nutritional value of watermelon in this article. 

Watermelon Healthiest Nutrients:

nutritional value of watermelon

Watermelons are not only refreshing on hot summer days they are also very healthy. In terms of sustainability, however, the watermelon is not looking so rosy.

Plenty of water and nothing else? It is true that watermelons consist largely of water, approximately up to 95 percent. But that does not mean that the fruits have nothing to offer in terms of nutrients. On the contrary, watermelon is a very healthy fruit that also contains some important nutrients such as minerals and vitamins.

Following are the healthiest nutrients in the watermelon that are highly beneficial for your body: 

  • Vitamins:

A watermelon as the name suggests contains water around 90 to 94 percent. However, besides being stuck in the fruit fibers many vitamins especially vitamin A and some vitamin C. In addition, there is a significant proportion of iron as well as magnesium, phosphate, and calcium in the nutritional values of watermelon. The watermelon contains a low sodium content in connection with potassium, which together with a large amount of water drains and cleans the kidneys.

Vitamin A is in the form of carotenoids in watermelon. Carotenoids are the pigments that are responsible for the red, yellow or dark green color of food. Vitamin A is important in keeping eyes healthy, skin renewed and hair growing. There are 245 micrograms of beta-carotene for every hundred grams of watermelon. The apple cannot keep up with its 27 micrograms of beta-carotene per hundred grams of fruit.

  • Calories:

The watermelon not only scores with its great fruity taste but is also valued for its very low-calorie content. This is easy to imagine with a water content of almost 90 percent. With only 39 calories per 100 grams, it is a real calorie lightweight. A normal banana which weighs around 120 grams has 120 calories almost three times the calories of a watermelon. So the bottom line is, you can really enjoy watermelons without hesitation.

A look at the rest of the nutritional values of a watermelon shows that its pulp contains almost no fat. It contains only small amounts of fiber and protein; carbohydrates make up about six to eight percent of the pulp.

  • Potassium:

Potassium is important in transmitting stimuli that the muscles and heart send out. The mineral is also involved in regulating cell growth, blood pressure, and acid-base balance. Potassium also influences the release of certain hormones, for example, insulin and it is important for carbohydrate utilization and protein synthesis. There are 112 milligrams of potassium for every hundred grams of watermelon, which is rather little in comparison. 

  • Fiber:

Watermelon is a great source of fiber. Dietary helps fiber the digestive system function properly and controls cholesterol levels. However, we will be referencing a significant amount of FODMAPs on watermelons as well. You can eat watermelon easily after dinner because it functions your digestive system properly.

Nutritional Content Of Watermelon Per 100g Of Serving:

Watermelon can help you bridge several nutrition deficiencies in your body because it’s a great source of beneficial nutrients. Let’s take a look at these nutrients and how much they constitute in 100g of watermelon:

Nutrients Name Nutritional value per 100g
Protein 0.8g
Fat  0.0g
Carbohydrates 6.0g
Fiber 0.4g
Energy density 0.3 kcal/g
Alcohol 0.0
Calories 28 kcal/ 117KJ

Health Benefits Of Watermelon:

Benefits of watermelon

There are many misconceptions when it comes to the nutritional value of watermelon. A misnomer that many people believe in is  that watermelon can only deliver the human body with water and sugar. Hence, it is what less to eat as it only increases our body weight and blood sugar levels.

There are amazing health benefits of eating watermelon.

  • In addition to various trace elements and minerals, watermelon offers a wide range of vitamins that are important for the body.
  • In addition, to vitamin A and vitamin C, the melon also contains the important vitamin D and k as well as B vitamins.
  • The peel of the watermelon is edible and contains a lot of fiber which ensures a pleasant feeling. 
  • Peel of watermelon also contains amino acids that support the body in building muscle as well as some vitamins. If you want to eat the peel, you should use watermelons from certified organic cultivation.
  • Watermelon promotes the cardiovascular system and anti-inflammatory properties in your body.
  • It also contains antioxidants that work against cancer and improves bone health.
  • Watermelon reduces blood pressure and promotes fat burning and also helps to control diabetes.
  • It is very helpful to improve the health of your kidney and also promotes skin and hair health.
  • There is 90% water in watermelon, so it is one of the better fruits to consume because it can easily lose weight.
  • The best benefit of watermelon is, It has B1 and B6 vitamins, both of which are important for energy production.
  • If you need more nutrients then drink a whole cup of watermelon in a day because it has 48 calories only which is an excellent health advantage.

What Is The Best Way To Serve Watermelon? 

Red and White Sliced Fruits

  • Fruit salad of watermelon:

When it comes to the nutritional value of watermelon, you can serve it with the best nutrition at a time in one bowl. Do you think how is it possible? Everything is possible if you want to. There are many nutritious fruits like grapefruit, pineapple, blueberries, apples, pomegranate, mangoes, strawberries, and so on. All these fruits are summer seasonal fruits so you can easily make a watermelon salad.

Cut all these fruits in cube shape or any shape you want. Now add some lemon juice and special watermelon water to give a fruity taste to your salad. Now take all the fruits you want to add to your salad and serve it confidently. And don’t forget to add watermelon because it is a fresh and juicy watermelon salad.

  • Grilled Watermelon Kebabs:

Have you ever tasted grilled watermelon kebabs? I know it sounds weird! But you can try it for fun. Take a grill pan and cut the watermelon in a diamond shape or rectangular shape and put it on a grill pan. Grill it only for 2 minutes and put some salt and pepper in it. The salt and pepper give a different taste or a different texture to your watermelon. I think you will love it too.


  • Watermelon Inside Your Drink:

Follow these steps to make yourself the best watermelon drink

  • Freeze your watermelons and water cubes overnight.
  • Now take a blender and put some watermelon, pineapple, water cubes, and lemon juice in it. 
  • Add some sugar or salt and blend it. 
  • Now take a glass and decorate it with some melons on the top. 
  • Put your juice in the glass and add frozen watermelon to it. Now it’s ready to serve.
  • Jell-o Watermelon:

The summer season is best for kids. So always try some new recipes to make your kids happy. Have you ever heard about watermelon Jell-O? It’s AMAZING. Try this recipe of making jello watermelon and serve it in the best way in front of your kids or any party.

  1. Blend some watermelon and add some gelatin to it. This is the simplest and shortest way to make jello at your home.
  2. Now put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. Now it is ready to serve. 
  4. You can serve it with amazing decoration tips like cut your melon and make it empty.
  5. Now add all your mixture in it and refrigerate overnight.
  6. Cut into small pieces or any shape you like to serve.
  • Coolest Watermelon Smoothie:

You can also make yourself a very tasty watermelon smoothie. Follow these steps:

  • Pure 300 grams of watermelon with the mug of yogurt, 120 ml of milk, and 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar.
  • Then add two scoops of vanilla ice cream.
  • Mix the shake until foamy.
  • Fill into two classes, decorate with mint leaves and serve.

Another simple recipe for a watermelon smoothie. It is simple but healthy.

  • Make a hole in the watermelon and take a drill machine so you can easily blend the watermelon to make some juice.
  • Now take a disposable glass and cut it. 
  • Give shape to your watermelon beside the hole. 
  • Now add some pineapples and blueberry and it.
  • It is ready to serve.
  • Make a Watermelon Basket:

If you are an artist then what are you waiting for? Take a knife and show your talent by making beautiful baskets in which you can serve watermelon salads and anything you want. You cannot only make watermelon baskets but also give other shapes to attract your kids. Also, serve it in front of your guest for a good impression.

Is Watermelon Safe For People With Diabetes? 

As you can see we acknowledged you with the best nutritional value of watermelon. Many diabetic patients raised questions about eating watermelon daily. There haven’t been any concrete studies linking watermelon intake to diabetes control. In fact, the study suggests that watermelons are safe for people with diabetes. If you have any complications regarding diabetes, watermelon could help lower your risk. You can eat watermelon daily because it has no risks at all. 

Final Words:

Finally, the article ends here. We hope that we were able to help you fully understand that nutritional value of watermelon. Let us know what you think about the article and if it was helpful for you or not.

Besides, you can also read our article on the nutritional value of mushrooms. There are a lot of amazing facts mentioned in it that you would love to know.


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